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Insight-driven advisory for reinsurance brokers

Cyber reinsurance brokers rely on CyberCube to navigate the shifting cyber landscape, identify client-specific risks, and advise clients on program structuring. 

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How CyberCube helps:

  • Comprehensively quantify loss potential with the industry's leading attritional and catastrophe models

  • Analyze exposure to different cyber perils

  • Stress test portfolios to assess the resilience of hypothetical reinsurance structures

  • Optimize reinsurance structures, including quota share, excess of loss, or stop-loss covers

  • Quantify the technical price of reinsurance coverage

How CyberCube helps:

  • Scenario-based data-driven model from the top-down portfolio view

  • Direct cybersecurity expertise available to help interpret the magnitude of an incident

  • Unique Single-Point-of-Failure Intelligence for any portfolio to help identify potential incident impacts

  • Ability to drill down and identify loss drivers and areas of accumulation risk

  • Exceedance probability metrics at various return periods

How CyberCube helps:

  • Access to CyberCube's deep bench of multi-disciplinary experts that span cybersecurity, insurance, and underwriting, among others

  • Concierge services to provide tailored explanations of the shifting threat landscape most relevant to any risk

  • Ability to drill down and identify loss drivers and areas of accumulation risk
How CyberCube helps:
  • Understand financial loss distributions and contributions to help identify accounts needing facultative coverage

  • Analyze cybersecurity profiles to obtain insights on the optimal facultative coverage that is responsive to potential losses

  • Optimize client budgets by helping them balance their premiums while achieving their coverage goals

Why our clients choose CyberCube


Stefan Golling

Member of the Board of Management

Leveraging the capabilities of CyberCube will help our underwriting and risk modelling teams in better quantifying cyber risk and understanding potential cyber accumulation scenarios.

Claude Yoder

Global Chief Innovation and Product Development Officer

The powerful combination of our knowledge of (re)insurance dynamics and the evolution of the product and macro-systemic industry concerns — coupled with CyberCube’s expertise in data science, cyber security, software engineering and actuarial modeling — will deepen the industry’s understanding of this rapidly evolving risk.

Adam Braithwaite

Senior Reinsurance Actuary

Lockton Re selected Portfolio Manager to "integrate with Lockton Re's SAGE, our proprietary reinsurance analytics platform, to provide our clients with even greater analytical insights and advice for their cyber portfolios."

Reinsurance broker solutions

Develop deeper insight on cyber risk transfer and effective cyber reinsurance placement


Portfolio Manager

  • Quantify catastrophe and attritional losses with the broadest, representative cyber catastrophe scenario model and the cutting-edge predictive attritional loss model
  • Refined analysis control options to dynamically stress test model outputs and establish your own view of risk.
  • Detailed reporting to quantify and segment risk and exposure across key dimensions

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SPoF Intelligence

  • View technology dependencies in your client’s portfolio
  • Understand your client’s digital supply chain risk concentrations
  • Help clients improve their claims response to cyber events
  • Help clients manage cyber accumulations
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CyberConnect APIs

  • Integrate CyberCube products seamlessly and enhance workflows with CyberConnect APIs
  • Power your branded presentations with CyberCube analytics
  • Develop more sophisticated sensitivity testing and view of risk framework using APIs
  • Streamline model change management using APIs

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Consultative Services

  • Cyber insights & threat intelligence
  • Cyber risk modeling & advisory
  • Alternative risk transfer
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How do we help?

How do we help?

  • The dynamic, forward-looking nature of cyber risk – with too few attack precedents to solely use past experience to predict future events – creates increased uncertainty for reinsurance buyers and portfolio managers trying to identify portfolio exposure accumulations and develop impactful reinsurance programs.

    For brokers to advise their clients on how their portfolio exposures look for extreme events and how that might inform reinsurance advisory, they need a tool that offers flexibility to vary frequency, severity, and other assumptions to dynamically stress test model outputs.

    CyberCube’s Portfolio Manager enables stress-testing by varying frequency distributions, frequency mode and severity modes. Portfolio Manager allows you to drill down and identify loss drivers and areas of accumulation risk.

  • Identifying accounts that insurers may want to buy facultative coverage for requires understanding the estimated financial loss distributions for an account as well as which cost components may be driving the larger loss scenarios. Additionally, understanding the cybersecurity profiles of such accounts can arm a broker with additional insights to better aid in acquiring relevant reinsurance coverage that will respond in the optimal way given a loss occurs. Knowing where a client can increase or cut back on premium dollars while still hitting their coverage goals is imperative to helping them optimize their budget. This could come through adjusting exclusions, sub-limits, and overall occurrence/aggregate limits.

    Account Manager provides detailed visibility into the loss distribution associated with an account. These reports can be quickly created and further tailored based on additional information provided within the risk assessment function to enhance discussions around coverages, limits, sub-limits and additional pre/post-loss services that may be of interest.


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