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  • Yvette

CyberCube/Carnegie Endowment for International Peace event: Systemic dependence on the cloud demands improved risk management to avert cyber catastrophe

London, 28th October 2020 – A workshop hosted by cyber risk analytics specialist CyberCube and global independent think-tank the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) examined how a severe cyber event involving cascading impacts from…
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  • Yvette

Twitter hack exposes business risk to high-profile accounts, says CyberCube

17 July 2020, LONDON – The potential for a hacked tweet from a senior business figure’s account to move a company’s share price was highlighted on Wednesday after a dozen high-profile celebrities had their Twitter…
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  • Yvette

Mass homeworking creating new opportunities for cyber criminals: Aon and CyberCube report

8 July 2020, LONDON – The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the resultant move to widespread homeworking has created new vulnerabilities for criminals to exploit. This is the key finding of a new report authored jointly…
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  • Audrey Vanderoost

CyberCube highlights the importance of cybersecurity for entrepreneurs in World Economic Forum report

25 June 2020, LONDON – While cybersecurity may not seem the most urgent priority for entrepreneurs and their start-up business ventures, increasing the emphasis placed on cybersecurity reaps rewards as the business matures. This is…
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  • Yvette

Brokers hold key to cyber growth, says new CyberCube report

21 May 2020, LONDON – Insurance brokers have a critical role to play in addressing adequate coverage and a range of other factors holding back growth in the cyber insurance market. This is the key…
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